Join us for the first Helping Friendly Book Club meeting of 2016 on Wednesday January 27th at The Kennedy Room.
We will be meeting to discuss the all-powerful “Weapons of Social Influence” as laid out in Robert Cialdini’s Bestselling Book “Influence: Psychology of Persuasion.” If you have been looking for Knowledge to help you understand the hidden determinants of human behavior, you will sincerely enjoy this book and find it very useful, but I warn you "that all Knowledge seeming innocent and pure becomes a deadly weapon in the hands of avarice and greed..."
“No matter what your profession, this book will reveal to you why you Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book.
You'll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.”
This will be the 17th book on our Quest and momentum is continuing to grow. Enjoy reading this over the holidays and then grab a friend or two and join us the last Wednesday in January to talk about how we can inflict “positive trauma” with these “weapons of social influence.” We will also eat cake and get cosmic.
And for those who wish to read ahead, our next book will be “The Book of Strangers” by Ian Dallas.
“Sometime in the future the head librarian at a great center of learning suddenly disappears, leaving behind a journal that describes his weariness with a world "where people teach but know nothing, where the sentences flow on endlessly but lead nowhere." His successor in the post becomes more and more intrigued by the vanished man's fate, until a series of mysterious clues lead him on a journey both inward and outward, to a world that begins where language ends. Within a matter of weeks he finds himself in the company of powerful dervishes, God-intoxicated nomads whose eyes blaze with love, and ragged beggars with the smile of the Pure One. These men, the followers of an enlightened Shaykh, speak little, but simply to be in their company fills him with ecstasy and knowledge.”