“The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.”
The Story of The TIme Wharf: Part 1
After witnessing The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, we buried the Time Wharf with a piece of ancient quantum pinecone upgrade technology on September 17, 2017. The Time Wharf will be unsealed the morning of the Total Solar Eclipse that passes directly over Dallas, TX on April 8, 2024. You can go ahead and RSVP for the party right here.
The Time Wharf is the STARTING point of a story we’re all involved in now.
It’s a story about learning how to relate to the present moment without needing a “story” to relate to the present moment. But first you need The Story - to get out of the “story”. It’s a little paradoxical. It’s NONDUAL.
If we were to try and start at the end, the moral of The Story would be that TRAUMA repeats itself through NARRATIVE. So in order to let go of Trauma, good or bad, we eventually have to let go of narratives altogether, good and bad.
But that would shock the brain, so we aren’t going to try and start at the end. A quantum leap like that is hard to wrap your head around. Moving from a linear to nonlinear worldview is a delicate process. It’s a Hero’s Journey really. If you’re not ready, and you jump into the NONDUAL without The Story first, there’s a good chance you’ll trigger your psyche’s flight response system.
Humans are like inverted sensitive plants, and if you aren’t artful in your approach, it’s very easy to trip the sympathetic nervous system. When that happens, instinct takes over, and any chance of expanding any understanding is lost for the immediate future.
Human Understanding expands by degrees, in steps, like a rose unfolding its petals as it blooms. The vine of connected consciousness grows limb by limb, and in order to avoid triggering the 'Worldview Shutdown Mechanism' that’s implanted in each of us, we need a better story than the one we’ve been given. We need a story that’s suited to be a vehicle, a launching pad, a place to plant our pole as we vault out of the binary and into the NONDUAL way of looking at things.
We need a narrative that’s wet, really wet.
We need a narrative that uses language like a thorn to remove a thorn.
We need a narrative that's frothy.
We need the blunt force POSITIVE TRAUMA.
Let’s us imagine for a moment, if it all does go well with this philosophical pole-vault, where would we land? When you leap out of duality, where do you wind up?
Post-narrative, Post-trauma, Post-duality, Post-identity, Post-rational, Post-time…
The Time Wharf is a pair of Seven League Boots.
Narrative’s tend to require positive and negative positionalities to make them meaningful, because that’s how we’re accustomed to making sense of things. We need dramas. In order to extract lasting meaning from something, we usually need a hero and a villain, and a beginning, a middle, and an end. This appears to be the status quo of the western mindset for learning, as it currently stands. It's very dual.
Now, let’s try a thought experiment.
Imagine that you’re sitting on the moon, completely emotionally detached from either side of any situation here on earth.
From that perspective, it might appear that what we call ‘negative’ is as necessary as what we call ‘positive’. If you are emotionally removed from the situation, positive and negative are more like two components of the same electrical current. Both are necessary to prod things along.
The point of The Story, that the Time Wharf is about, and that You and me and all of us are a part of now - is that maybe we don’t need the narrow confines of of a strictly positive/negative terminology to keep the MOSAIC OF OUR IDENTITY steady while we’re RESTING IN AWE.
Maybe we can learn to consciously loosen our ego’s 'mental grip' in such a way that allows us to STEP INTO AWE at WILL, whenever and wherever we may find ourselves fortunate enough to do so.
It’s one thing to say life is enchanted and everything is connected, it’s another thing to know that life is enchanted and everything is connected, every moment, of every day. That steady-state of knowingness is what we’re striving for. That is 'resting in awe.'
Another way you can look at it is that the goal of The Story and the Time Wharf - and You - is to conjure up an enhanced understanding, a fresh, vitalized perspective of who you are in relationship to the Absolute Truth. (I suspect Floral Consciousness has something to do with it.)
How are we going to induce a positive cognitive shift towards a post-narrative worldview? How are we going to shift towards a worldview where we don’t need to use the dualistic terms “positive” and “negative” in order to orient ourselves anymore?
If we transcend rationality, where are we then?
We’re not irrational, we’re TRANSRATIONAL.
Perhaps with a little imagination, and wit, we can assemble a worthy vessel of SEJNES in our mind’s eye, and then use that 'Philosophical Ship of the Imagination' to sail our worldview closer to the Golden Shores of Truth...
Back to the beginning.
So here we are, between the already and the not yet...
And we’re not going to start at the end...
We’re going to start here.
How do we do this?
How do we even begin to assemble a 'Ship of the Imagination' capable enough of getting us any closer to the 'Golden Shores' of Absolute Truth than we already are?
We can start by creating, nurturing, and growing our appreciation for MOMENTS OF AWE.
In actuality, when we experience a MOMENT OF AWE, we aren’t creating anything new, we’re seeing what actually IS for the first time. We’re “cleansing the doors of perception” by stepping into an awareness of the ever present Splendor of what already is, and always has been, eternal.
Sanskrit has two different words for imagination. One is vikalpa, and one is bhavana. In a nutshell, Vikalpa is imagination that’s bad, and bhavana is imagination that’s good.
Vikalpas and bhavanas are what the MOSAIC OF OUR IDENTITY is made up of. Neither of them are actually based in True Reality, but bhavana is better than vikalpa because Bhavana is useful.
Vikalpas, the harmful kind of imagination, form the toxic cesspool of negative thoughts and doubts you have about yourself. Vikalpas are all the mental programming that is just below the conscious level of your awareness. That’s what makes them so tricky. The vikalpas control how you feel and behave more than anything else, while at the same time they are the hardest to see. Vikalpas are when you use your imagination to imagine the worst possible outcomes. Because thought is cause, that which you hold in mind tends to manifest, which means vikalpas are detrimental, because by thinking them you empower them and they run on loops your mind if you’re not careful. Once they get in there, they can be very hard to get out.
But never fear, because the other use of imagination, the good use of imagination, is called bhavana. Bhavana is when you use your imagination and creativity to imagine the best possible outcome, and the same law applies. That which you hold in mind tends to manifest all the good stuff too. There is a skill to it, and you can develop it, and it can aid you on your Quest.
For example, bhavanas are a useful tool for reorienting yourself during moments when you find the shit hitting the fan in your life. Instead of knee-jerk reacting with the more animalistic and instinctual part of your brain (which creates more vikalpas), take a moment to mentally step back from the situation and see if you can imagine some possible advantage to things not working out immediately the way you had in mind. Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Never forget that. That also means that most of the time you’re not going to immediately see the added advantage that unexpected firing from your job has, but you can always imagine it will, and keep the faith as life unfolds.
“You look at where you're going and where you are and it never makes sense, but then you look back at where you've been and a pattern seems to emerge. And if you project forward from that pattern, then sometimes you can come up with something.” - Robert Pirsig
Even if the odds were only 50/50 whether thinking good thoughts instead of bad thoughts actually cause good things to happen more often in your life, that’s a no brainer. Even if the only person I manage to fool is myself into thinking my positive thoughts are bringing positive probabilities to me that’s called happiness. You can’t lose. You should try this line of reasoning.
Now that’s not to say it’s easy. It’s a skill, a craft you can develop, and have fun while you do.
This also ties into the idea that ‘Nothing is Random’, but that’s not a little idea, and this might not be the time and place for it yet, so let’s drop a pin in it and we’ll come back, I promise.
Life is enchanted and everything is connected.
Somewhere along the road of life we forget this, and we lose our sense of wonder, our sense of awe, our sense of reverence for the incomprehensible beauty, complexity, and mystery of existence.
As we begin to get a little too big for our britches, we begin to think we know more about reality than we really do, to our own detriment. This false confidence leads to a lot of problems.
Our intention for the Time Wharf, and the Story, and You, is to help re-enchant our relationship with the universe. To reflexively perceive the natural splendor of existence. Our goal is to help people get into the unconscious habit of finding the beauty in every moment. In the process of helping others, I think we’ll arrive there ourselves.
MOMENTS OF AWE temporarily short circuit the mental operating system and transcend the limitations of reason. They are like Zen Koans that point the mind at itself. They shock the brain for a moment, and our TRUE SELF glimpses NONDUALITY.
I think the point is that you have to kind of take a running start when you make an attempt to figure “It” out. “It” isn’t just some willy nilly thought that floats into your mind unaided. The “It” realization is the summation of a series of superseding thoughts, all leading up to “It” (thus the need to take a “running start”). Knowing this to be the case, you can expect to bundle numerous realizations together as you approach the Big Connection with “It”. Everything is a part of It. Imagine you’re riding on the top of the foam in the sink of your mind as it gets frothier and frothier...
Another way to think about the “running start” would be in the form of a narrative. The rational mind needs at least a beginning, a middle, and an end to make sense of things. It usually needs a good and a bad too. Tension and release. The linear mind needs different chapters to pool together different experiences in order to create the necessary conditions for a larger, more powerful, more all encompassing insight to emerge. It is out of the “pool” of minor insights that gather and collect in the mind that the major insight emerges, the Phorph. The froth is in the confluence. This pool, however, is very ephemeral because it is a collection of essences and distillations of nectars from other ideas, and that’s why it has to be built up each time an attempt to comprehend the big “It” is made. It dissipates quickly. This is frothy quantum foam, and it cannot be contained for later.
Get it while you can.
#momentofawe Campaign.
What is the intention for the #momentofawe campaign?
To create a shared digital network of moments of awe that connect people. An interconnected digital honeycomb of awe. Something digitally tangible enough for people to engage with and co-create on their own, and then share those moments to help create a conscious, connected community in the process.
We want to re-enchant the universe and AWE is our God given sense of WONDER.
Misconstrued understandings of “science” have given people a limited narrative to relate to the world with. I suspect vikalpas have been very deliberately implanted in our social zeitgeist for less than the most noble of reasons.
Our sense of wonder has been dulled, or lost completely.
We need to find it again.
Each of us, individually, needs to rediscover our sense of wonder, our sense of the extraordinary in the ordinary.
We become a reflection of that which we hold in reverence.
When was the first time you learned something Holy?
Trauma is energy, but where do you rest?
What do you move towards?
What do you move away from?
You can live in/rest in a state of awe and still function perfectly well.
This is what the awakened sages tell us.
But initially, you need to jostle the mind into awe.
All meaningful growth begins with first believing in possibilities beyond what is.
May this be the cornerstone of a USEFUL VISION.
The intention of the narrative about the Time Wharf is to get beyond/outside the narrative.
How do we use time without being limited by it?
How do we use a narrative without being contained by it?
It's a story about transcending the need for story.
We are using narrative as a springboard, a means to get out of narratives altogether.
Then where are you?
Identity, before you’ve shattered it, implies dualism.
Yet we know the end goal is to reach a state of nonduality.
How do we get there?
The Time Wharf is actually a verb. To wharf. You know?
Ship’s ahoy.
PS. Don't forget to RSVP to the Time Wharf Unsealing Party right here!
“It was wonderful, Pris.”
”What was, honey? The meeting? The champagne?”
”The eclipse,” said Ricki. “It was probably the most real thing I’ve ever seen, but it was also like a dream. You know what I mean? Real and unreal, beautiful and strange, like a dream. It got me high as a kite, but it didn’t last long enough. It ended too soon and left nothing behind.”
”That’s how it is with dreams,” said Priscilla. “They’re the perfect crime.”