"Live by the foma* that makes you brave and kind and healthy and happy." --The Books of Bokonon. 1:5
The Helping Friendly Book Club continues our search for the Secrets to Eternal Joy and Never Ending Splendor Tuesday November 15th. We will be discussing KURT VONNEGUT JR.'S 'CAT'S CRADLE' and meeting for the very first time at our new location - 'Sundown at Granada.'
'Sundown at Granada' is immediately next door to The Granada Theater on Greenville, the best concert venue in Dallas. We will meet upstairs on Sundown’s awesome covered patio at 8:30PM. We are very excited about meeting here because rock and roll and reading should go together a lot more often, and now they will.
As an added bonus ‘Sundown at Granada’ has live music 7 nights a week starting at 10, so after we consult the Jaroracle, the late night questers can continue the conversation well into the evening.
About 'Cat's Cradle'-
First published in 1963, Vonnegut’s 4th novel is a “satirical commentary on modern man and his madness. An apocalyptic tale of this planet’s ultimate fate, it features a midget as the protagonist, a complete, original theology created by a calypso singer, and a vision of the future that is at once blackly fatalistic and hilariously funny. A book that left an indelible mark on an entire generation of readers, Cat’s Cradle is one of the twentieth century’s most important works—and Vonnegut at his very best.”
Are you ready to learn about Bokonoism?
"We Bokononists believe that humanity is organized into teams, teams that do God's Will without ever discovering what they are doing. Such a team is called a karass by Bokonon ... "If you find your life tangled up with somebody else's life for no very logical reasons," writes Bokonon, "that person may be a member of your karass." At another point in The Books of Bokonon he tells us, "Man created the checkerboard; God created the karass." By that he means that a karass ignores national, institutional, occupational, familial, and class boundaries. It is as free form as an amoeba." - Books of Bokonon (Cat's Cradle)
See you on the 15th Questers. Let's hold in mind having another great turnout for our first gathering at Sundown!